A warm welcome ...
...to this website. Great that you incarnated together with me to this wonderful planet earth at remarkable times like this. The tenor of this site is geared to that ones desiring support and attendance at the process of *cognition thyself * or of their personal way of (spiritual) development.
Healing Singing allows to come in touch with the own light of the heart, the domicile of the own love and truth. This is to come about by the use of the sound of the voice, because the voice bares and discloses the true nature of oneself, including everything that constitutes us. The voice is the sound and tone of our personality. It is the most beautiful and entire existing instrument.
Using the specific practices of Healing Singing will awake and flower out the own capability of vibrancy and perception. The experiences and perceptions of Healing Singing make possible to harmonize and to be consistent with ourselves, with the own light, that is anchored in the devine light.
Thereby it is possible to embrace every experience in life, whether success or failure, lovingly. Thus we can live our everyday life in gladness, humor and buoyant serenity. The voice of our heart grows audible again.
Experience love at all ranks of your life. Walk on your personal, resonant path of light. Healing Singing will ensoul your life.
Much pleasure in reading my site. I´m looking forward to meet you.
Callista Janzing
Please send me an e-mail if you are interested in
more informations.
Interview: What is Healing Singing? by Jolita Kelias
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